Spider Veins
Spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin that can appear as red, blue or even purple threads that spider out on the skin. They typically develop on your legs, but it’s not uncommon to have them on your face, chest and other areas of your body.
Spider veins may be hereditary or may result from a problem in the circulatory system.
Most spider veins appear between the ages of 18 and 35. They typically develop on your legs, but it’s not uncommon to have them on your face, chest and other areas of your body.
Our doctors will do a thorough screening to make sure you have no medical cause for these unsightly little veins.
Spider Veins are Unsightly, But Are They A Sign of A Deeper Vein Disease Problem?
Spider veins are usually just an annoyance — we’ve all seen those small, dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin that can appear as red, blue or even purple threads. But even though spider veins appear harmless, they can indicate that larger veins beneath the surface are not functioning properly.
In some cases, if left untreated, they will continue to multiply making it more difficult to eliminate them. Our free assessment includes a thorough screening to make sure you have no medical cause for these unsightly little veins.
As with varicose veins, spider veins cannot be prevented. There are, however, several measures you can take to minimize spider veins and also speed recovery after treatment. The answer can be as simple as exercise or a few sclerotherapy sessions to make your spider veins disappear.
Having Spider Veins or varicose veins can affect your appearance, and these can cause serious discomfort. Some spider veins put you at risk of health and serious complications such as you can experience a blood clot or open sores on your legs.
However, invasive treatment can prevent Spider Veins. And this treatment can also reduce the symptoms like pain, and weakness and stop health complications. Moreover, people frequently ask these types of questions about Spider Vine and its treatment. So, let’s talk about this.
Why does Spider Vine Appear?
Varicose veins are damaged veins caused due to weakened valves (incompetent valves) within the veins that allow blood to pool in the veins instead of traveling to the heart. Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins. Any vein that is close to the skin’s surface (superficial) can become varicose.
What are the Causes of Varicose Veins or Spider Vines?
Some possible causes for spider veins include:
- menopause
- standing for long periods of time
- obesity
- age over 50
- pregnancy
- family history of varicose veins
However, Spider veins can also be caused by sunlight or an injury.
Is it true spider veins can appear during pregnancy?
Yes, it is true. The amount of blood increases to help support the developing baby during pregnancy. But this puts extra strain on your veins. During pregnancy, your hormone level also increases, causing the muscular walls of the blood vessels to relax, which also increases the risk of spider veins.
Varicose veins may also grow as the womb (uterus) begins to grow. When the womb expands it puts pressure on veins in your pelvic area, which may cause varicose. Although most women find their veins significantly recover after the baby is born.
How can your Occupation can cause Spider veins?
Some research prescribed that jobs like standing for long periods may increase your risk of getting varicose veins. When you’re standing for long periods of time, your blood does not flow as easily which ultimately causes Spider veins.
Does being overweight increase the risk of Spider veins?
Being overweight puts extra pressure on your veins, which means during this situation they work harder to supply the blood back to your heart. This ultimately put increased pressure on the valves, making them more prone to leaking.
The body weight may also cause development of varicose veins which is more significant in women. So, adopt a healthy weight to manage your health conditions.
What do you know about genetic material & Spider veins?
If a close family member has this condition, then there are possible chances of developing varicose veins. Experts suggest that this may be partly caused by your genes (the units of genetic material you accede from your parents).
Who is affected more Women or Men by Spider veins?
According to a search, women are more likely affected by varicose veins than men. Research also prescribed that this may be due to female hormones leaning towards relaxing the walls of veins, making the valves more disposed to leaking.
Hormones produce chemicals by the body that are caused by premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, or menopause.
What Are the Symptoms of Varicose veins?
One of the main symptoms of varicose veins are highly visible, disproportionate veins, and they usually appear on your over or around the enlarged veins. You may experience heaviness, achiness, pain, and swelling. In some cases, these veins can bleed significantly and can form ulcers.
How can Lifestyle changes Treat and prevent varicose veins?
In general, doctors recommend this when treating varicose veins. You’ll probably be advised to make changes to your lifestyle, instead of trying more aggressive treatments. So, the following life changes may help in varicose veins treatment. Includes:
- You should avoid standing for extended periods.
- Maintaining a healthy weight and Losing weight may help
- Daily Exercise helps to improve your blood circulation in veins.
- Use compression socks or stockings.
What are the treatment options recommended by doctors?
Currently, there are a wide variety of invasive treatment options for varicose veins available. These include:
- Sclerotherapy, For the Spider Vein treatment physician, use a liquid or foam chemical injection to block off a larger vein
- Microsclerotherapy, physicians use a liquid chemical injection for Spider Vein Treatment to block off smaller veins
- laser surgery, during this method doctors, use light energy to block off a vein
- Endovenous ablation therapy, for this heat and radiofrequency waves, use to block off a vein
- endoscopic vein surgery, under this method a small lighted scope is inserted via a small incision to block off a vein
Get in touch!
If you are facing Spider Vines health issues, then you should always talk to your pain management physician about your treatment options. The method recommended can depend on your symptoms, size, and location of the varicose vein.