People often seek medical attention for back pain or miss work because of it. There is a high rate of disability caused by back pain around the world.
Most back pain episodes can be prevented or relieved with measures, especially for those under 60. Using the body correctly and treating the back at home are usually enough to heal the back within a few weeks when prevention fails. Back pain rarely requires surgery by back pain specialist near me.
Signs and symptoms
In addition to muscle aches, back pain can feel burning, stabbing, or shooting. A leg can also be affected by pain. Several conditions like Bending, standing, twisting, lifting, or walking can make it worse.
When to see a doctor
Self-care and home treatment are usually enough to relieve most back pain within a few weeks. Get in touch with your Pain management physician if you experience:
- An extended period
- A severe condition that does not improve with rest.
- If the pain extends below the knee, it usually spreads down one or both legs.
- The legs become weak, numb, or tingly because of this condition.
- Is accompanied by weight loss that is unexplained.
It is possible, in rare cases, for back pain to be a sign of a more serious medical condition. Seek immediate Pain management specialist care for back pain that:
- It can cause new problems with the bowels or bladder.
- If you have a fever as part of the symptoms
- Follows a fall, blow to the back or other injury.
Causes of Back Pain
A test or imaging study often does not reveal the cause of back pain. Back pain is commonly caused by the following conditions:
- Strains of muscles or ligaments. Back muscles and spinal ligaments can be strained by repeated heavy lifting or sudden awkward movements. It can be painful to experience muscle spasms in the back if you are not in good physical condition.
- There is bulging or rupture of a disk. The spine is cushioned by disks. Nerves can be compressed by a bulging or ruptured disk. The pain of a bulging or ruptured disk might not be caused by a bulging or ruptured disk. MRIs, CT scans, and X-rays done for another reason can often reveal disk disease.
- An arthritic condition. The lower back can be affected by osteoarthritis. Occasionally, arthritis of the spine can cause spinal stenosis, which narrows the space around the spinal cord.
- An osteoporotic fracture. Developing porous and brittle bones in the spine can lead to painful breaks.
Prevention of Back Pain
The use of the body and improving one’s physical condition may help prevent back pain. To maintain a strong and healthy back, follow these steps:
- Exercise is important. The muscles in your back can work better and your strength and endurance can be improved by taking part in regular low-impact aerobics activities. You can walk, bike, or swim. Find out which activities you could try with the help of your healthcare provider.
- Strengthen and stretch your muscles. Exercises designed to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles condition these muscles so that they support the back.
- Make sure you maintain a healthy weight. Back muscles are strained when you are overweight.
- Don’t smoke. Low back pain is more likely to occur if you smoke. And the risk may increase with the number of cigarettes you smoked per day, so if you quite then this will help reduce this risk.
Frequently Ask Questions Related to Back Pain Problem
What are the signs that my back pain is serious?
Back pain that lasts more than a few weeks needs to be addressed by your health care provider. Rest does not improve the condition. If the pain extends below the knee, it can spread down both legs.
How serious is back pain?
If you suffer from sudden spikes of pain, discomfort, weakness, or numbness, you should visit your nearest emergency room immediately. Inability to control bladder function. The fever is high.
What is the average duration of back pain?
The duration of acute back pain can range from a few days to a few weeks. There is usually an acute component to low back pain. With self-care, it usually resolves within a few days and no residual function is lost. The symptoms can disappear after a few months in some cases.
You may be unable to work or live your normal life due to back pain. Instead of trying to figure it out on your own, you should see your pain management physician soon if you are experiencing back pain.